Keeping Well :: Central and North West London
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Appointment opening hours
We will talk to you about your appointment time. Our appointments are flexible to work around shift patterns and we can provide some choice over where your treatment is provided so you do not have to be seen in the Trust you work in. Appointments are during clinic opening times which are slightly different in some boroughs.
Read more about who the service is for.
We accept referrals from anyone (including healthcare professionals). Staff members should complete our self-referral form or if you would like to refer on behalf of someone (with consent) please get in touch with us.
You can also email us if you have any questions:

Signs and symptoms
Coronavirus has brought considerable challenges; you may have worries about your own or your family’s health.
- Feeling down, depressed or hopeless
- Trouble falling or staying asleep or sleeping too much
- Little interest or pleasure in doing things
- Changes to your appetite
- Feeling tired or having little energy
- Trouble concentrating
- Feeling nervous anxious or on edge
- Worrying too much about different things
- Trouble relaxing
- Becoming easily annoyed or irritable
- Being very afraid of a specific thing (e.g. injections/ needles, certain animals, lifts)

Latest news
Keeping Well - Long Covid Peer Support Group
Published on: 3rd October 2024From 2021 to 2024, Keeping Well ran a series of peer support groups specifically designed for staff impacted by Long Covid. Learn about their findings and read what staff had to say about the support groups.
Keeping Well Service - "A game changer"
Published on: 1st March 2024An NHS employee shares an example of how Keeping Well has supported them with coping with stress
Support for staff affected by the conflict in Palestine and Israel
Published on: 22nd November 2023Following the tragic events in the Middle East and the devastating and ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the West Bank, we are aware that staff may be deeply affected by the situation and unfolding events.
Men’s Health Matters – speak up if you need support
Published on: 15th November 2023Since January 2023, the service has seen an increase in men coming forward for support with a 20% increase in male referrals. Raising awareness and sharing stories from other men who’ve experienced difficulties has helped.