Tomorrow (Wednesday 8 December 2021) is the first anniversary of the first vaccination delivered in England and it’s something to celebrate.

Across the world billions of Covid-19 doses have been administered and millions of lives saved. Thank you to all the staff, volunteers and community groups who have helped to save lives by working tirelessly on the vaccine programme. Receiving the vaccine has proven to be the best defence for all, particularly for staff working in the NHS and in social care where the exposure risk can be higher.

Join us in celebrating all the things we’ve been able to do thanks to the vaccine, by sharing your favourite moment from the last year using #OneYearOn on Wednesday. Share your moment with us on Twitter.

Needle phobia

We understand needle phobia is common for some staff working on the frontline. This might prevent you from receiving important winter vaccinations that can protect you, loved ones, colleagues and patients. If you feel worry or anxiety – we can help talk to you about this.

Our wellbeing professionals can signpost you to the right support you need.

Keeping Well_NeedlePhobia

Start talking with us today via live chat (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)
Call 0300 123 1705 or email 
Or fill in a self-referral form - our team will be in touch with you shortly! 



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